MUST Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci (IT)
The Institution
The National Museum of Science and Technology e Leonardo da Vinci opened in 1953 and today is a private non-profit foundation. Education is one of the main functions of the museum and a fundamental goal. Education programmes using the collections and interactive labs aim to engage visitors in a learning experience that uses their knowledge and competences for the interpretation and understanding of objects and phenomena. The museum has recently opened an internal research centre, the Centre of Research for Informal Education (CREI).
Working Group
The main work group consists of Maria Xanthoudaki, Camilla Rossi-Linnemann and Sara Calcagnini (see profiles). In addition, experts of specific science and technology fields from the MUST Department of Education will contribute to the development and realisation of the activities.
Involvement in PATHWAY
MUST will mainly contribute to the implementation of training activities in science centers and museums, in particular regarding the Italian territory.
The Team
- Maria Xanthoudaki: Director of Education and of International Relations at MUST
- MA Camilla Rossi-Linnemann: Officer, Education and International Relations
- Sara Calcagnini: Head of Unit, Science & Society Programmes