SHODOR Shodor Foundation, National Resource for Computational Science Education (US)
The Institution
Shodor, a national resource for computational science education, is located in Durham, N.C., and serves students and educators nationwide. With an Internet presence producing more than 4 million page views per month, Shodor has an international impact. In addition to developing and deploying interactive models, simulations, and educational tools, Shodor serves students and educators locally and directly through workshops and other hands-on experiences.
Working Group
The National Computational Science Institute (NCSI) was funded as a national resource by the US National Science Foundation with additonal support from the National Science Digital Library, TeraGrid, Blue Waters, and now XSEDE. NCSI enables faculty to explore computational science in the undergraduate and pre-college classroom, lab, and research experience. Over the last decade, NCSI has reached thousands of teachers and faculty. NCSI workshops focus on content and practice to assist teachers and faculty to incorporate interactive computer modeling and visualization at all levels from desktops to mobile devices to petascale supercomputers and beyond.
Involvement in PATHWAY
Shodor was invited to participate in the PATHWAY project specifically to provide educators and university faculty with access to faculty development workshops in computational science education by introducing workshop participants to inquiry-based science education enhanced by computational thinking through dynamic, interactive models and simulations. For workshops in Europe, Shodor brings pre-service and in-service teachers from the NSF Noyce Scholars and Fellows program ( Through domestic workshops and online resources Shodor is also working on offering similar opportunities to US faculty –along with pre-service and in-service teachers– who are unable to travel internationally.
The Team
- Robert M. Panoff
Ph.D., D.Sc., Executive Director, Shodor and the National Computational Science Institute. - Hillary Stoker
Communications and International Programs Coordinator, Shodor