UB University of Barcelona (ES)
The Institution
Founded in 1450, The University of Barcelona (UB) is ranked within the top highest public Universities in Spain, in terms of both the quality of the teaching it offers and the productivity and quality of the research carried out by its members. The UB has 109 departments and more than 5,000 full-time researchers, technicians and research assistants, most of whom work in the UB’s 249 research groups as recognized and supported by the Generalitat de Catalunya (Catalan Government).
Working Group
The Faculties of Pedagogy and Education are in charge of preparing teachers and specialists in education and training. The Departments of Didactics of Science, Theory and Psychology of Education, and General Didactics, are part of them. The UB team holds a network of schools and science teachers, and contacts with key Spanish teachers’ associations in the sciences area, as the Royal Spanish Society of Physics, the Spanish Association of Teachers and Researchers in Didactics of Maths and Experimental Sciences, etc.
Involvement in PATHWAY
UB team is responsible for the Development of the Communities of Practitioners of Inquiry (WP4) and will coordinate the implementation of the training activities in Spain.
Spanish PATHWAY website
Click here to visit the Spanish PATHWAY website
The Team
- Dr. Mario Barajas: Leader of WP4, Project coordinator for Spain
Head of the research team Future Learning at UB. Doctor in Education (UB). Associated professor at the Faculty of Pedagogy and Faculty of Education. - PhD Anna Trifonova: a post-doctoral researcher in the Future Learning UB team. Her interests include technology-facilitated learning, creativity and innovation supported by ICT, virtual communities of practice.
- José Luís Rodriguez Illera: Professor of Education. Coordinator of PhD program in Digital Teaching and Learning. Leader of GREAV quality research group.
- Joaquin Gimenez Rodriguez: PhD in Math Education (1991), by Autonoma University, post graduate studies in Laval University. Full Professor at UB. Didactics of Science and Maths Department.